...agencies such as BART, the Association of Bay Area Governments...lavishing more than 99 percent of their employees with pension pickups of 100 percent...

'Pension pickup': Bay Area taxpayers foot the bill for little-known perk  By Thomas Peele and Daniel Willis; Mercury News

“This often hush-hush benefit negotiated during rosier economic times can put thousands of extra dollars in public employees' paychecks by relieving them of costly payroll deductions. But the practice can get so expensive for local governments that last year state lawmakers banned agencies that belong to the giant California Public Employees Retirement System from offering pickups to anyone hired after Jan. 1, 2013. Reforms led by Gov. Jerry Brown are designed to get workers to pay a higher share of their retirement costs. The state retirement system for teachers has never allowed the practice.

That hasn't stopped agencies such as BART, the Association of Bay Area Governments and towns such as Portola Valley, Scotts Valley and Hollister from lavishing more than 99 percent of their employees with pension pickups of 100 percent. Last year, BART spent $17 million covering what employees were supposed to be contributing to their pensions.” (emphasis added)

Read More from the original article...                         Emailable PDF of this excerpt

Please donate generously; we need your support!

Please donate generously (here); we need your support!

Orinda Watch needs to cover expenses for public outreach & education, and Bay Area Citizens, to cover the need to file supplemental reports that respond to the answers that ABAG and MTC will file to the issues raised in our expert reports.  This requires many thousands of dollars for both organizations.  Orinda Watch needs funds right now to make up for the costs of previous and ongoing marketing and education efforts.  Bay Area Citizens needs significant funding prior to July 12th (more info below). 

We know that everyone’s financial situation is different.  If your budget is tight, please consider a donation of $50 or $100.  If you have the funds available, please join with your neighbors who have donated $250, $500, or $1,000 in our prior efforts.

Bay Area Citizens also needs larger donations in the range of $2,500 or $5,000, and if you are in a position to do so, we hope you will consider making a donation of this size.

Again, please donate generously (here)


Orinda Watch has now hosted 4 small-scale and 2 large-scale town halls, met individually with each member of Orinda City Council and staff to express our concerns, raised funding for expert & citizen reports against Plan Bay Area, written letters to city council on our grave concerns on Plan Bay Area and the Orinda Housing Element, organized citizenry to come to city council meetings through flyers, phone calls, news and blog posts; supported sister small-sized cities (including but not limited to Lafayette, Moraga, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, Danville, San Rafael, etc) in their own fights  against Plan Bay Area, attended MTC/ABAG regional governance meetings to express our emphatic disagreement with Plan Bay Area, written numerous email and website communications, and members wrote very large reports against Plan Bay Area of their own free time etc.  The majority of these activities are 'free' in the sense that people have volunteered their very valuable free time away from their families and personal lives to fight this good fight.  None of us expect any compensation for this as we consider this our civic duty.  However, the events we've hosted and materials we've created do cost (lots of) money.  We would love to continue doing what we are doing and fight the good fight.  We really need your help with funding our efforts.

Orinda Watch is also actively supporting Bay Area Citizens' fundraising efforts.  Bay Area Citizens raised significant funds to pay for the expert and citizen reports used to respond back to Plan Bay Area, a draconian top-down regional plan that removes local control with a one-size fits all Plan dictating how and where every citizen should live, benefiting a relatively small number of individuals vs the rest of the region, and stuffing the pockets of developers at the expense of the hard-working middle class.  Bay Area Citizens now needs to raise more money to fund supplemental reports against Plan Bay Area prior to its expected adoption.

The importance of the supplemental reports is as follows:  Our expert reports, as well as our citizen comments, have raised devastating critiques of the Plan and its draft EIR.  They've been analytically-sound, empirically-based, and fair, but they have also painted a picture of a Plan that cannot and will not work to achieve any of its stated premises, and that has been prepared with deeply troubling and flawed assumptions, models, forecasts, and omissions.

We believe that ABAG and MTC will not address, in any substantive way, any of the issues that the citizens and experts have raised, though they are obligated to do so.  Rather, they will dismiss the points raised as irrelevant, or "answer" without answering, or will introduce "new" information that is as inaccurate and flawed as the existing information.  We need to respond to their non-rebuttal rebuttals in order for there to be a full and adequate picture of what's in this Plan (look at it as their draft Plan and draft EIR, their comments, their responses to our comments, and our responses to their responses completes the dialogue).  We cannot have a full and open public debate without our supplemental reports to what we know will be dismissive and incomplete responses to our initial comments--and as with the original comments and reports, while they are essential to any informed public debate, our supplemental reports will be essential predicates to any potential litigation regarding the Plan.

According to ABAG and MTC, they Plan to discuss their final EIR and final Plan July 12, and we expect them to release them shortly before then.  We have already had extensive conversation with our experts about their supplemental reports, and they will be ready to respond, but we will need to have our funds raised before July 12.

Please note that your donations to Orinda Watch and Bay Area Citizens are not considered tax deductible at this time.

 Oh, have we forgotten to mention...we need your help...Please donate generously (here)

July 4th – Tell your friends to come sign our petition at the Orinda Watch booth...

Orinda Watch has a table/booth at the July 4th Parade.  Please tell your friends to stop by and sign our petition, to pick up our new educational materials, learn more about Plan Bay Area and the Housing Element changes and how these items will impact everyone's lives (and primarily for the worst.)  July 4th is a day where we stand proud of our country and remember those who fought to give us the independence and liberty we have today.  This Republic has stood for freedom and individual prosperity for 200 years, and has positively changed the lives of so many people since its birth, thanks to the framework of liberty that was set in place at the very beginning.  Let's honor our nation and those that came before us by continuing to fight for freedom and prosperity for the greatest number of people to work and live when, where, and how they choose in peace and to continue to pursue their own happiness.  After all, that really is the definition of freedom.  Join us in the fight of this non-partisan issue of Plan Bay Area.

Review: Orinda Watch's Lamorinda Town Hall from 6/27th

Another great town hall at the Lafayette Veterans' Memorial Building!  All three cities of Lamorinda were made aware of the event through flyers delivered by hand through traditional grassroots means and a phone call to all 3 cities as well as emails and blog postings from members of the community.  We note a huge up-tick in the number of individuals personally getting involved in helping to set-up the town hall.  At least 3 local news entities attended and appear to be reporting on the event as of writing this.  We estimate that 90% of the room was filled in this large-format presentation hall!  Peter Singleton presented the facts on both Plan Bay Area and the impending ominous update to Orinda's Housing Element as presented by Planning Director Ursu.  This was followed by short presentations from 3 City Council Members from Corte Madera, Sausalito, and Palo Alto, followed by questions for over an hour from the audience to the presenters. (Yes, Orinda City Council members and staff were all personally invited to attend the event, and none of them attended.)  More than a few attendees from various cities expressed interest to dissociate from ABAG just as Corte Madera has done.  Practically all of the questions and comments showed a concern for how Plan Bay Area would impact their lives.  Full Video of the event will be forthcoming. Stay Tuned.

Here are the news reports of the event locally:
Orinda Watch Hosts Anti-ABAG Town Hall Meeting 24-680 News
Opponents of the Bay Plan Gather at 6p.m. Thursday to Voice Their Anger Lamorinda Patch
Lamorinda Town Hall Meeting at Lafayette Veteran's Center 6/27 Lamorinda Patch


Plan Bay Area in the latest Orinda News Publication for July

Controversy Over Plan Bay Area is one of the feature articles in this month's Orinda News--starts on page 1 & continues on page 22.  Note: no one from Orinda Watch or Save Orinda was interviewed for this article; Orinda Vision's Trowbridge and Mayor Worth were interviewed however.  Fair and Balanced Reporting?

Also, check out the Letters to the Editor in the July edition...there's a healthy debate going on.  The letters to the editor start on page 6 and continue on page 8.  There are some excellent letters with real facts and statistics in there. 

Lamorinda Patch activity on Plan Bay Area goes parabolic!

Someone (or multiple someones) has been very busy on the local news blog called Lamorinda Patch.  We think this individual or group of individuals is doing a great job thus far in bringing the Plan Bay Area issues as it relates to Orinda/Moraga/Lafayette to light.  Thank you for doing this 'Orinda Taxpayer & Registered Democrat' username, where ever you are.  If you are listening, please contact us so that we can share information.  We've signed up for your blog postings and we are recommending our members do as well.

We also note the pick-up in Lamorinda Patch Editor Jim Caroompas' interest in bringing light on Plan Bay Area to the forefront.
Anyway, here are several of the recent articles on the Patch:
Opponents of the Bay Plan Gather At 6p.m. Thursday To Voice Their Anger
Plan Bay Area Will Fundamentally Change Our Cities
ABAG's Final Low Income Housing Allocation is Here
Piedmont Strongly Opposes ABAG Housing Requirement
Could 247,000 More People Be Coming to Contra Costa County?
Is Plan Bay Area Equal Justice?
How ABAG Will Manage Bay Area Growth
You Could Lose Your House Under Plan Bay Area