donate generously (here);
we need your support!
Watch needs to cover expenses for public outreach & education,
and Bay Area Citizens, to cover the need to file supplemental reports
that respond to the answers that ABAG and MTC will file to the issues
raised in our expert reports. This requires many thousands of
dollars for both organizations. Orinda Watch needs funds right now
to make up for the costs of previous and ongoing marketing and
education efforts. Bay Area Citizens needs significant funding prior
to July 12th (more info below).
know that everyone’s financial situation is different. If
your budget is tight, please consider a donation of $50 or $100.
If you have the funds available, please join with your neighbors who
have donated $250, $500, or $1,000 in our prior efforts.
Area Citizens also needs larger donations in the range of $2,500 or
$5,000, and if you are in a position to do so, we hope you will
consider making a donation of this size.
Again, please donate generously (here)
Watch has now hosted 4 small-scale and 2 large-scale town halls, met
individually with each member of Orinda City Council and staff to
express our concerns, raised funding for expert & citizen reports
against Plan Bay Area, written letters to city council on our grave
concerns on Plan Bay Area and the Orinda Housing Element, organized
citizenry to come to city council meetings through flyers, phone
calls, news and blog posts; supported sister small-sized cities
(including but not limited to Lafayette, Moraga, Pleasant Hill,
Walnut Creek, Danville, San Rafael, etc) in their own fights against
Plan Bay Area, attended MTC/ABAG regional governance meetings to
express our emphatic disagreement with Plan Bay Area, written
numerous email and website communications, and members wrote very
large reports against Plan Bay Area of their own free time etc. The
majority of these activities are 'free' in the sense that people have
volunteered their very valuable free time away from their families
and personal lives to fight this good fight. None of us expect any
compensation for this as we consider this our civic duty. However,
the events we've hosted and materials we've created do cost (lots of)
money. We would love to continue doing what we are doing and fight
the good fight. We really need your help with funding our efforts.
Orinda Watch is also actively supporting Bay Area Citizens'
fundraising efforts. Bay Area Citizens raised significant funds to
pay for the expert and citizen reports used to respond back to Plan
Bay Area, a draconian top-down regional plan that removes local
control with a one-size fits all Plan dictating how and where every
citizen should live, benefiting a relatively small number of
individuals vs the rest of the region, and stuffing the pockets of
developers at the expense of the hard-working middle class. Bay Area
Citizens now needs to raise more money to fund supplemental reports
against Plan Bay Area prior to its expected adoption.
importance of the supplemental reports is as follows: Our
expert reports, as well as our citizen comments, have raised
devastating critiques of the Plan and its draft EIR. They've
been analytically-sound, empirically-based, and fair, but they have
also painted a picture of a Plan that cannot and will not work to
achieve any of its stated premises, and that has been prepared with
deeply troubling and flawed assumptions, models, forecasts, and
believe that ABAG and MTC will not address, in any substantive way,
any of the issues that the citizens and experts have raised, though
they are obligated to do so. Rather, they will dismiss the
points raised as irrelevant, or "answer" without answering,
or will introduce "new" information that is as inaccurate
and flawed as the existing information. We need to respond to
their non-rebuttal rebuttals in order for there to be a full and
adequate picture of what's in this Plan (look at it as their draft
Plan and draft EIR, their comments, their responses to our comments,
and our responses to their responses completes the dialogue).
We cannot have a full and open public debate without our supplemental
reports to what we know will be dismissive and incomplete responses
to our initial comments--and as with the original comments and
reports, while they are essential to any informed public debate, our
supplemental reports will be essential predicates to any potential
litigation regarding the Plan.
to ABAG and MTC, they Plan to discuss their final EIR and final
Plan July 12, and we expect them to release them shortly before
then. We have already had extensive conversation with our
experts about their supplemental reports, and they will be ready to
respond, but we will need to have our funds raised before July
note that your donations to Orinda Watch and Bay Area Citizens are
not considered tax deductible at this time.
Oh, have we forgotten to mention...we need your help...Please donate generously (here)