Recap of the ‘Thrilla in Marin-illa’ + HD Video of the event
For an honest review of how the May 30, 2013 event went:
Since you probably have limited time, we would suggest you start with the 10 minute presentations that start at 7:29. Just click on the times below. Tom Rubin & Randal O’Toole absolutely annihilated the proponents of Plan Bay Area, and that's not an exaggerated assessement in the least bit.
Timepoints for reference:
00:00 Host, Robert Eyler, CEO, Marin Economic Forum
03:17 Panel Introductions
05:46 Raise your Hand: Is Plan Bay Area ("PBA") good for the region and Marin??
06:57 Pledge of Allegiance
07:29 Mark Luce, ABAG, supports PBA, 10 minute presentation
18:06 Thomas Rubin, opposes PBA, 10 minute presentation
28:25 Steve Kinsey, Marin County Supervisor, supports PBA, 10 minute presentation
38:10 Randal O'Toole, CATO Institute, opposes PBA, 10 minute presentation
47:25 Q: Should PBA be put to a vote? Liz Manning
47:54 - Luce
49:16 - Rubin
50:52 Q: What are the social implications for minorities in High Density Housing? Chris Pareja
51:05 - Kinsey
51:58 - O'Toole
56:00 Q: What are the mplications of agreement between Marin County and HUD? Basia Crane
56:23 - Kinsey
57:43 - O'Toole
59:00 Q: Please explain the mistakes in the RHNA calculations. Diane Furst, Mayor, Corte Madera
1:00:10 - Luce
1:01:54 - O'Toole
1:03:54 Q: What does PBA do to help solve climate change? Bill Kearney
1:04:32 - O'Toole
1:05:42 - Kinsey
1:06:36 - Luce
1:07:24 - Rubin
1:08:22 Q: Why is "no plan" option off of the table? Meilin Kurtzman
1:08:42 - Kinsey
1:09:41 - O'Toole
1:11:10 Q: Are the financial projections in the plan realistic? Chris Engl
1:11:28 - Rubin
1:11:49 - Kinsey
1:12:51 - Luce
1:13:39 - O'Toole
1:14:42 Q: Why is Marin being zoned urban; what is the rationale behind 30 units per acre? Amie Fitzgerald
1:15:12 - Kinsey
1:15:46 - Luce
1:16:46 - O'Toole
1:18:23 Q: This appears to be an attack on the middle class. Clayton Smith
1:19:36 - Kinsey
1:20:33 - Rubin
1:21:01 - Luce
1:22:14 Q: Mark - what would it take for you to change your position? Herb Smith
1:22:50 - Luce
1:23:29 - Kinsey
1:24:19 Q: Why do you think this plan is good for Marin? Blaine Morris
1:25:11 - Kinsey
1:26:00 - O'Toole
1:27:50 Q: How will a diesel train compete with fuel efficient cars? Scott Urquhart
1:28:26 - Kinsey
1:29:08 - O'Toole
1:31:00 Q: Why can't a city member of ABAG, simply opt out? Dan DeBusschere
1:31:59 - Luce
1:33:19 - Rubin
1:34:51 Q: We are close to the AB32 standards - do you recognize this?? Stephen Nestel
1:36:13 - Luce
1:36:55 - Kinsey
1:37:35 - Rubin
1:40:10 Closing Statement - O'Toole
1:42:26 Closing Statement - Kinsey
1:44:48 Closing Statement - Rubin
1:47:15 Closing Statement – Luce