Save Orinda comes out against the Draft Orinda Housing Element
Orinda Watch respects, admires, and supports the good folks at Save Orinda. Prior to Orinda Watch's formation last year, Save Orinda was the lone beacon on a landscape of forced higher-density, mid-rise development to our small and beautiful town of Orinda. Save Orinda's Owen Murphy lists 40+(!) deletions, corrections and additions to the Draft Orinda Housing Element as proposed by City Planning Director Ursu and City Consultant Barry Miller. If you haven't seen the letter, check it out HERE.
If you aren't getting updates from Save Orinda, we suggest you read their June 2013 newsletter (HERE) and we also suggest that you get on their distribution list. (HERE)
Orinda Watch will soon be submitting our own response to the Draft Orinda Housing Element as we carefully dissect it. Stay tuned.